day-to-day in my kitchen
Hello everyone, feel welcome to my blog and
feel free to ask questions, do your comments and also follow the blog. Please if you have any recipe you are not confident to make please send to me, I will love to cook that, make a video and post on the blog for you, and even teach you some tricks how to make it. Find here that cooking is not so hard. Enjoy :)

quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

Sopa de couve-flor Cauliflower soup Portuguese&english

Oi meus amores, 
o friozinho de hoje me deu a ideia de fazer uma sopa de couve-flor. Eu postei o video pra vocês!
Gente essa sopa de couve-flor é muito gostosa, você pode servir ela em um jantar como entrada também viu, ela é super light e ótima para crianças. 
Espero que vocês gostem.

Hi my dears,
 the cold day today gave me the idea to make cauliflower soup. I posted the video for you!
Guys that Cauliflower soup is very good, you can serve it like a entree on the dinner also that soup is very light, and good for kids!
I hope you enjoy.
Big hugs to all

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